After I purchased the Revenge from Mars machine I started
looking for the Star Wars Episode One upgrade kit. I found
one in California for a reasonable price and bought it. The
kit comes with the complete playfield, cabinet decals, roms,
manual, and the mechanical shooter. Swapping playfields is
fairly simple, just a little time consuming. Everytime you
swap the playfield you have to upgrade the roms on the prism
card via a serial cable. This takes approximately ten minutes
assuming it doesn't fail, which it occasionally does. A tip
I figured out is run the update software in highest priority
to avoid serial errors. You can change program priority in
the task manager.
The pinball 2000 platform has awesome sound and graphics. I
love Star Wars, and I love pinball which makes this one a no-brainer.
It only loses a few fun points due to two modes that stink,
the Jedi musical chairs, and the princess card match garbage.
The other modes are fun and battling Darth Maul is a blast.
And no, I'm not kidding about Jedi musical chairs :p