Monopoly Pinball, Pinball Restoration, Video Games, Video Game Restoration, sales, wanted, williams, bally, stern, atari, sega, namco
Monopoly Pinball, Pinball Restoration, Video Games, Video Game Restoration, sales, wanted, williams, bally, stern, atari, sega, namco

My Pinball Machines
Family Guy
Machine History

I purchased my Family Guy pinball machine from Jack at It came two days later in perfect condition. I created a custom free play card and custom Stewie pinball cabinet decals (both available in the download section.) The custom Stewie cabinet decals really make it look like a tiny real machine, which it is.

My Thoughts on the Machine

I have always loved the Family Guy show on fox. The humor is great and who wouldn’t love a pompous lemonhead baby ;-) I took a chance on the pin by buying it before I played it and I don’t regret it one bit. The layout of the machine looks very open but has a ton of great shots. The artwork is probably Stern’s best to date with the Simpson’s being a close second. The game play on Stewie's machine is fun and challenging while maybe just a tad on the easy side. The number of modes is amazing especially when you complete the mini pinball machine and have to play the big and little one at the same time. The best thing about the pin has to be all the quotes. It’s rare to have people laugh, a lot, while playing a pinball machine. There are so many sounds from the shows and new sounds specifically for the pin I never grow tired of them. This has been the only pin to ever take me away from Lord of the Rings for an extended period of time. Definitely a keeper. Great job Pat and team.